Laces of Lynn by Orlosky Studio has been installed on Mount Vernon Street as of Summer 2022!
Laces of Lynn was the winning concept in our public vote, garnering 30% of the 212 votes we received! At the August 3, 2021 Lynn Public Arts Commission meeting, the Commission unanimously voted to approve Laces of Lynn. Mayor McGee officially approved the art concept to move forward the following day.
About Laces of Lynn
Playful, evocative, and a visual manifestation of community participation and pride, Laces of Lynn seamlessly ties the history of Lynn as a shoe mecca, to the values of a diverse and growing city today. Hopeful and inspiring, this colorful, iconic sculpture will be a catalyst for residents and visitors to find commonalities with each other and further develop community connectivity, a priority made all the more urgent by the isolation we have all experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each lace will be fabricated out of 0.5-inch sheets of steel plasma cut into the shape of words, which the community generated through workshops hosted by Orlosky Studio.
About This Project
Lynn is commissioning a compelling, signature piece of art for the Mt. Vernon and Exchange Street Plaza, right next to the commuter rail station entrance. The City of Lynn, the Downtown Lynn Cultural District, the Lynn Public Arts Commission, and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council have been working to solicit proposals from artists using an innovative process that pays artists for concept development and maximizes public input. This project is funded by the City of Lynn Department of Community Development.