Mission and Purpose
- The North Shore Latino Business Association’s mission statement is: “North Shore Latino Business Association exists as an association of members to promote and engage in the advancement of the economic, cultural and civic interest of its members, to provide educational and public service to its members, and to develop relationships with other Associations, Organizations, and Individuals.”
- The NSLBA is organize to promote the general welfare and prosperity of the area business community. The NSLBA shall serve as a link within the North Shore network of Latino Social Service Organizations, assisting business associations and firms to work together to expand business opportunities for the area business community, to encourage mutually beneficial ties with the public and private sectors, and to serve as an active and visible advocate in the Latino-American business arena.
- The NSLBA shall observe all local, state and federal laws which apply to a nonprofit organization as defined in Section 501(C)6 of the Internal Revenue Code and under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 180.