Lynn Cultural Council

a bunch of pictures hanging on a wall.
a bunch of pictures hanging on a wall.
Photograph by


The Lynn Cultural Council (LCC) is part of the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s (MCC) network of local cultural councils across the Commonwealth.

The LCC currently schedules to meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM. Please see Municipal Meetings Page for Full Details Here: Municipal Meetings

The Lynn Cultural Council (LCC) is part of the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s (MCC) network of local cultural councils across the Commonwealth.

The Mass Cultural Council is a state agency that promotes excellence, inclusion, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and sciences, fosters a rich cultural life for all Massachusetts residents, and contributes to the vitality of communities and economy. For more detailed information on the Mass Cultural Council, and all of their programs and opportunities, please visit their website at:

Like the Mass Cultural Council, the purpose of the Lynn Cultural Council is to support public programs that promote excellence, education, diversity, and inclusion in the arts, humanities, and sciences to foster a rich cultural life, locally, in the City of Lynn, MA.

The Lynn Cultural Council has the responsibility and right to award grants that address cultural needs specific to our community. One of the tasks the LCC undertakes is annually designating/reviewing local Guidelines & Priorities for the grant review process.

Any individuals, artists, singers, musicians, dancers, athletes, educators, non-profit groups, schools, local business, cultural institutions, etc., with aspirations to conduct an activity, project, event, etc., related to culture (arts, humanities and/or sciences) may apply for a Lynn Cultural Council grant.

The Lynn Cultural Council places an emphasis on local applicants and programs. We are looking for works and presentations that will have the greatest impact on the Lynn Community and promote the history, diverse culture and positive attributes of our city.

Also be sure to follow our social media: @LynnCulturalCouncil


Sunil Gulab, Administrator

3 City Hall Square
Lynn, MA 01901-1052


FY23 Local Priorities

Local Priorities

1. The Lynn Cultural Council may give greater consideration to applicants that are able to collaborate with multiple organizations & individuals from Lynn, MA.

2. The Lynn Cultural Council will prioritize applications which give a voice to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) populations. Communities of color, immigrant & refugee communities, gender minorities, LGBTQ+, disabled, low-income, and other historically marginalized groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

3. The LCC will prioritize applications which provide cultural opportunities for youth.

4. Programs that have received LCC funding for multiple years or are submitting multiple applications, may have a lower funding priority so that we may equitably distribute funds to applicants who have not received funds in the past.

5. The LCC will prioritize applications focused on education in schools and for the community-at-large about the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences.

FY23 Local Guidelines

Local Guidelines

1. Preferred applicants reside, work, and/or have an organization/business in Lynn, MA or have an established partnership with an organization/business based in Lynn, MA.

2. Programs must take place in Lynn, MA and significantly benefit the residents of Lynn, MA.The LCC will prioritize applications which demonstrate thorough planning (e.g. specific dates/times, comprehensive budgets, confirmed venues, etc.). Therefore, we strongly encourage applicants to include documentation to any partnerships with Lynn organizations and/or venues (e.g. Letter of Acknowledgement, Notes from Owners, Confirmation, etc.)

3.(Mass Cultural Council Guideline) Requested/Awarded Funds can not be used for the purchase of food, beverages, or catering, and can not be used for any travel related expenses (bus, trains, ferry, planes, etc.)

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY23 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Aborn School Arts and Cultural Experiences $1,000
Bassion, Kirsten Lydia Pinkham Open Studios $1,500
Beyond Walls, Inc. Taking the Classroom to the Streets $500
Boff, Anthony J. Story Slam at Lynn Classical High School $2,500
Brickett Elementary School Community collaboration to create interactive artwork on schoolyard asphalt $1,900
Brickett Elementary School Multicultural dance and music festival $1,200
Cabrera, Edwin Hip Hop in the Park $2,000
Certan, Ion Art Therapy Classes for Lynn Shelter Association Housing Residents $2,760
Cultura Latina Dance Academy, Inc. CLDA 2023 $2,500
Cultura Latina Dance Academy, Inc. CLDA Family Festival $1,500
Cultura Latina Dance Academy, Inc. CLDA Cultural & Hispanic Heritage Month Tour $1,750
Diverse People United Liberation for All $1,500
Diverse People United DPU Youth Programming $2,150
Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. Part 3-Around the World School-Age Puppetry Arts Festival at Gregg House-“My FamilyTradition” Toy Theatre $1,750
Francois, Danielle Lynn Lynn City To Dine In $1,000
Frenkel, Yetti M. A Community Portrait in Words and Pictures $1,400
Friends of the Lynn Public Library, Inc. 2023 Summer Reading Program $4,000
Galleries At LynnArts, Inc. Help keep the lights on $4,000
Goldfish Pond Association, Inc. Children’s Planting Day at Goldfish Pond, Lynn, MA $400
Grand Army of the Republic Hall & Museum Abolitionist Tour of Pine Grove Cemetery $700
Grand Army of the Republic Hall & Museum Second Friday Lectures at the GAR $400
Guerin, Sarah M. Ten Footers – History and Living Traditions at Trails & Sails $740
Guerin, Sarah M. Lynn’s Shoe Stories $1,000
Guerin, Sarah M. Shoemaking in 2022 $940
Gulab, Sunil Lynn Summer Arts Fest $5,000
Gulab, Sunil 6 Paint Nites $2,000
Gulab, Sunil Senior Center Art Class $3,000
Guzman, Michelle Traditional Breakfast from Guatemala $1,000
Guzman, Michelle Lynn Tour by Trolley for Seniors $1,000
Guzman, Michelle The Latino Flavor of Art $1,000
Guzman, Michelle St Crispin’s Scavanger Hunt Online $1,000
Hart, Francis A Cultural and Historical Reflection of the 1960s through the Music of The Beatles $350
Israel, Franz Animalia Lynn $2,000
Jacobson, Sally Cyanotype Workshops and Demos $1,550
Latina Center MARIA, Inc. Children’s Reading and Daycare Project $3,000
Love Your Magic, Inc. BE WELL RETREATS for GIRLS $5,000
Luna, Jose The Keep Moving Forward Festival $3,670
Lynn Arts, Music & Media Foundation Lynn Hip Hop Exhibit $1,000
Lynn Classical High School Visualizing Music: A Multi-Dimensional Community Mural $840
Lynn Historical Society, Inc. Museum Enrichment Series for All $750
Lynn Historical Society, Inc. Second Saturday $2,500
Lynn Woods School Paint night with Leah Kalapinski Warren $1,500
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! $600
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic $780
Nadj, Jozef North Shore Music Center $500
New American Association of Massachusetts, Inc. Music Lessons for Refugee Youth $2,100
North Shore Juneteenth Association, Inc. Local Black Excellence Forum $1,000
North Shore Juneteenth Association, Inc. Family Friendly Paint Event $600
North Shore Juneteenth Association, Inc. North Shore Juneteenth presents the Frederick Douglass Reading at Frederick Douglass Park $3,000
OnStage, Inc. Afterschool Theater Workshop $1,100
Prevent the Cycle Afro Diaspora conversations $4,000
RAW Art Works, Inc. RAW Chiefs: RAW’s paid, leadership program for teens $2,000
Recinos, Cristian United Lynn Pride Festivities 2023 $3,000
Saintz Kitchen Saintz Kitchen $500
Simmons, David Music at Lynn Farmers Market $1,500
Skahan, Joe Learn to SCUBA with Undersea Divers $950
Skahan, Joe Fecteau Science Club All Stars $1,200
Slater, Kelly A Closer Look at Trees, from Old Growth to the Urban Forest $1,347
The Friends of Lynn & Nahant Beach, Inc Red Rock Park Summer Concert Series $2,600
The Musary, JRP Inc. Musary Musical Instrument Lending Acquisitions $500
The REAL Program, Inc. Lynn the City of Readers (second edition) $1,500
Thurgood Marshall Middle School Community Fair $1,000
Tracy Elementary School Culturally Responsive Interdisciplinary Home-School Partnership $3,000
Varga-Nadj, Margerita Lynn Chamber Players $4,000
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live $300
Werth, Nicole Creative meet-ups and drop in making sessions $2,500
York, Matt Johnny Cash Songs and Stories $550
Young Men’s Christian Association of Metro North, Inc. Lynn YMCA Music Studio $750
Zaino, Nick 100 Years of Boston Comedy $400
merryman, christy 207 theatre project $1,000
musanda, jefferson Sewing Techniques $2,500
a person walking down a street past a wall with a painting on it.
a person standing on top of a skateboard ramp.
a bunch of pictures hanging on a wall.
a colorful box on the side of the road.
the logo for the lyna cultural council.