LaCrecia Thomson Arts & Culture Planner City of Lynn
Duties of the Arts and Culture Planner include:
- Preserve and promote the arts and culture(s) of Lynn, including visual arts, graphic arts, sculptural arts, decorative arts, performing arts, musical arts, culinary arts, and literary arts.
- Develop and implement processes for engaging and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders in the community whom are interested in developing district-wide arts and cultural events. These include but are not limited to: community groups, business owners, funders, public officials, youth organizations, arts and cultural-related organizations, artists, performers, creative professionals and enterprises.
- Create regularly scheduled, collaborative programs highlighting the vibrant diversity and unique concentration of arts organizations throughout the City, particularly the Downtown Lynn Cultural District.
- In collaboration with the Lynn Cultural Council, the Public Art Commission, the City’s Economic Development Team, the City Council, Mayor, and other arts and culture stakeholders, identify inclusive short and long-term plans to create the infrastructure necessary for arts and culture to flourish across sectors and geography of the City.
- In collaboration with the Planning Team, advance existing and create new placemaking initiatives, particularly in the Downtown area.
- Forge relationships to help build diverse audiences and support Lynn’s immigrant populations to participate, produce, and create arts and cultural related activities.
- Oversee brand, marketing, and public relations goals for the state-designated Downtown Cultural District. This may include creating web and social media strategies for engagement and managing consulting contracts with related vendors and working with the city’s arts and culture organizations on the creation of a comprehensive marketing plan.
- Create a forum for coordinating cultural activities, including networking of resources and production of promotional materials.
- Develop and implement methods for collecting data and metrics, and assessing outcomes from projects and programs to measure success and adapt implementation as needed.
- Represent the City at community cultural events and exhibits.
- Serve as the City’s liaison to local, state, regional, and federal agencies and non-profit arts and culture funders, including the Massachusetts Cultural Council, New England Foundation for the Arts, MassDevelopment, National Endowment for the Arts and the Humanities, the Essex County Community Foundation’s Creative County Initiative, and the Barr Foundation.
- Aggressively pursue grant funding opportunities that benefit the growth of the Downtown Cultural District, and arts and culture initiatives throughout the City.
- Serve as the Mayor and City Council’s liaison to the Lynn Cultural Council, Public Arts Commission, and Lynn Main Streets.
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